Wednesday, 1 October 2014

First meeting with Blender


    I am writing a book on blender this is first chapter.I want to know your suggestions.

I think you all know how to install blender. If no then go to and download latest release of blender. After installing double click on in and follow instructions.

Now you have installed blender open it by double click on blender icon.


Wow you installed blender.

Now you thing what to do with this a cube in a centre and some buttons.

Now you can see in the picture below.

1-Camera- This is the camera how you see the image after render. Wit out camera you cannot render any image. To see how your image look like in camera press ‘0’ from number pad. Now you can see this cube from different angle. This angle will come after rendering.

2-Light source- This is light source. Consider 3D modelling program as a real world just like you cannot see anything without light, like this blender also cannot see without light, you will see only dark image if there is no light. And lighting is the best tool to make image realistic.

3-Object- This is your object which will give shape to your imagination. Default it is cube but you can add more object.


4-Object tools- These are the tools to change property of your object . We will talk about it later.

5-Render property – This is render property window , here you can set how your scene will look.

6-Shortcut Bar- I call it shortcut because it help you to find many thing very fast and help you to navigate and tweak.

Now you know where you are. Press zero from number pad and then press F12 from function key.

Hurray you have done your first render. Zero is to see what you are render and F12 to render.

You rendered a cube image with default colour of object and background (world).

If you want to save this image press F3 and choose location and save it.

Now you can render a image and save a image and you know why these all stuff is there.



Here is your first rendered image.

Now you can add many other objects by pressing key Shift+A.  and render those like this.

Have fun for one hour if you are following my blog then wait for next blog.

please comment and tell me your opinion.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Why Blender over other programs

Hello friends, Everyone of us always thing about that why we use blender over other programs. Even many of us when see blender first time it looks like a big puzzle and other programs like skeckup,milkshape or other any programs are quite simple. But All Programs which the offer free or low cost have a limit to use and there limitation are stop us to go in more detailing.

                 While other hand some costly programs like 3ds, maya, photoshop are good but for this you have to pay a lot to use there full version. Other hand blender offer you all in free and the best thing is that you can easily customize its tool(at pro level where you need to get high quality).

               The technique you learn in blender  are same in all modeling software only interface of there programs are different. This can be easily understand if you are know to any modeling programs. You can stick to blender also many people in CG field are using blender instead of maya or 3ds.

               The best thing in blender it offer you all in a program modeling, animation,camera tracking, uv, game engine, node editing, render,etc and they are adding more and more every update version. Mostly things which  you want in a 3d world is in blender with no cost. AND the another best thing is its community support and tutorials which you can easily access and learn it very fast. This is more interesting is that these tutorials are also free. Most interesting is that even the program is free you can use it for commercial purpose without seeking any license like other programs.

                      This is why i am using Blender .I am a Hobbyist and i am using this only for fun and i make few game to play myself. One thing if you want to see game of blender download yo frankee!  a good game using blender. I know it is not better than GTA but a standalone game maker, modler ,desiner and with no budget in compare to GTA its a great game.

           Hope I am able to tell you why use blender if I  ave mistaken anywhere or something I forgot Please mention in comments.  Thanks